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目前非常有效率能夠做 cache server 的方式無法就是 redis server 了

因為他的資料是跑在 ram 裡面 , 並非 使用 harddisk 來撈資料


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在 GCP http proxy 模式的 LB 有提供一個加載 地理資訊的設定區

在 LB 後端設定 裡面的進階設定區

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在 google storage 上面放上圖片或是 css or html 如果要掛上 cdn 時

除了在 LB 上面要啟用外 


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當你有使用 google LB ( Load Balancer ) 的時候 他有提供 健康檢查的機制

就是固定每幾秒鐘會對你的 服務指定的 port and url 發送 GET 訊號


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大部分使用 google storage 上傳東西時 , 會使用 網頁模式上傳



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前提是 要先有一個 GCP 帳號 



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1.庄保險 (閒增牌)
 ‧當庄家首兩張牌合計大于閒家,而且庄家牌為4 點或以上及閒  家須增牌

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可以幫助重整 想法的工具


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File:Vector Video Standards2.svg


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Trunk Options for Smart Switches

Smart switches have preset port configuration options for their ports. The FS724T, GS724T and FS750T differ.

  • You select any single option for any trunk.
  • Uplink ports have only two options of either trunking together or not trunking. (The GS724T has no uplink ports.)
  • The choices of ports within a trunk are set — e.g., you cannot change Trunk 1 to work on ports 1-5.

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Stacked devices operate in a Ring or chain topology. The Ring topology connects all stacked devices in a circle. Each stacked device accepts data and sends it to the device to which it is physically connected. The packet continues through the stack until it reaches the destination port. The system automatically discovers the optimal path by which to send traffic. A chain topology connects stacking members from one to the next. This provides a single data path flow. The stacking members linked in the middle of the chain are connection to the stacking member on either side of them. The members on the ends of the chain only have one connection. Stacking Ring Topology

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reference: http://technet.microsoft.com/zh-tw/ff359098.aspx

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